Dream On

This past week has been our goodbye tour, visiting all of our favorite haunts, and of course, saying goodbye to our remaining belongings in the house. The estate sale sold quite a bit, but not nearly enough. We had to hire a clean-out specialist to take out the rest of all that remained of 38 years of marriage. Tim handled all of these chores - working with the estate sale folks, as well as the clean-out folks. I just could not handle it emotionally. Of the remaining items, one piece of furniture stung particularly to see rejected by buyers: The Ethan Allen hutch we bought for our dining room when we were married. It was such a beautiful piece of furniture, and it was a source of pride that we had such a sturdy, quality piece in our meager newlywed home. While it's aged in style (dark pine, early American), it is still a really lovely piece of furniture. And, no one wanted it. I was crushed, to say the least. ...