
This past week has been all about remembering. The last year, the changes we’ve been through, where we’ve been, where we’ve discussed going, what our goals were. It’s always good to re-evaluate your life, your vision, your outlook on life, and most importantly, your memories. Sometimes memories, when they present some unpleasant recollections, it can be tough to brush away the cobwebs to find the good things that happened. And all of the good gets blinded by a desire to avoid touching those icky cobwebs in the corner of your mind. Well, this past week was time for a major sweeping out of the neurons in search of happiness that existed so long ago. The cause for this hippocampus housekeeping was my mother’s death. Our relationship was not always warm and fuzzy. It could be downright difficult at times. But I always knew that she loved me, and I loved her. In searching for a way to express just what I’ve been going th...