Jell-O Shots

Yes, plans have changed yet again since my last entry! We had tried to schedule out a bit of extra traveling so that we could get the maximum bang for our RVing buck, but as (unfortunate) luck would have it, when we were getting ready to hitch up at our stop outside of Lawrence, KS at the Corps of Engineers campground, we noticed that one of our front jacks was leaking hydraulic fluid (flowing rather freely at first). Tim poked around inside the basement compartment that houses the mechanism for the landing gear on the side that was leaking, but he saw no evidence of leakage in there, nor could he determine at brief glance where exactly the valve/knob/whatever was to see if it needed tightening. At any rate, the jack retracted exactly as it should and we were able to get underway. While we were driving, we both agreed that perhaps we needed to curtail our wanderlust and just head back toward Knoxville sooner rather than later to avoid any additional set up/t...