Christmastime is Here
As things were a bit crazy this past month, I decided to
format our Christmas greetings within our blog, sending the link rather than
the newsletter. That way, if you want to
go back through past editions of the blog, you’ll already be there! (Also, because some folks’ email servers won’t
allow an email with attachments – aka, pictures – to reach their inboxes, this
will ensure they, too, get to see the goings-on of our strange new life!)
January and February
were a bit of a ho-hum for us. The flu
bug caught hold at Christmas time, followed closely by colds, which were
compounded by Karen’s bad fortune to develop an abscessed gum and the need for
root canal. Not exactly a whole lot of
fun, but we still somehow managed to make our way over to Disney to find some
enjoyment in between fevers, jaw pain, and incessant hacking up lungs.
March began with
Tim finishing up his work at Universal in order to start preparing for an
anticipated long two months of traveling.
We also got to meet up with our niece, Sarah, and her boyfriend who were
vacationing at Ft. Wilderness. We had a
lovely dinner and conversation at La Hacienda de San Angel in “Mexico” at
Epcot. .
We celebrated our 39th anniversary on March 10th
by dining in “France” at Les Chef de France.
Nothing like dining your way around the World (Showcase, that is!). We
also drove to Clearwater, FL to meet up with Karen’s (Boggs) cousin, Pat, and
her husband, John, for an afternoon of a Phillies’ Spring Training game. On March 23rd, we hitched up and
began our spring journey, stopping first in Madison, FL (in the
Panhandle). Just a brief stopover, and
next traveled to the Mobile, AL area for a 2-night stay. The weather was pretty nasty, cool, rainy,
and windy, so our plans at finding a beach to sit on for a few hours were cut
short to about 20 minutes of hanging onto our hats. From there, our next stop was near Jackson,
MS, and we got a chance to do a bit of sight-seeing on the Natchez Trace since
the weather finally turned sunny and warm.
And that was short-lived, as we experienced our first TORNADO WARNING
while living in the worst possible dwelling for experiencing a twister!!! By the way, tornado sirens are ungodly LOUD
AND UNRELENTING! Karen, being the
nervous Nelly (and taking advice from online DRV friends who have had the same
experience), stuffed the cats in their carriers, grabbed a flashlight, the
weather radio, and made a beeline for the bathhouse, which is the designated
storm shelter. Tim stayed behind in the
rig, keeping a constant eye on the weather radar and reports. Thank the dear Lord that the tornado didn’t
touch down anywhere near us……….however, it DID touch down right where we had
spent our afternoon touring the Natchez Trace!
The excessive rains flooded out our next stop along the road, just west
of Memphis, in Arkansas, right on the Mighty Mississippi. We were able to find another campground,
south of Memphis, just inside the Mississippi state line. We took an afternoon and drove into Memphis,
first visiting the Lorainne Motel/National Civil Rights Museum, where Martin
Luther King Jr. was assassinated. It was
a very moving, and sad experience, and our visit was just a few days before the
50th anniversary of his murder.
From there, we made a stop in town to visit Beale Street. It was definitely a fun place, and the BBQ
was amazing!
Now in April, we headed
to Ozark, Arkansas to spend a couple nights at an Army Corps of Engineers
campground. And, it rained. It was a beautiful campground, right on a
lake overlooking a COE dam, but the miserable, raw, rainy weather prevented us
from doing any sight-seeing or sitting outside.
From there, we left for Weatherford, Oklahoma for a week’s stay to
attend a rally for other DRV owners. You
know that song from “Oklahoma”, where they say “Oklahoma, where the wind comes
sweepin’ down the plain”? It really
DOES! We took in a lot of sights, such
as the Stafford Air and Space Museuem, the Route 66 Museum (one of many!),
quite a few meals out, and meals in the community room at the campground, RV
tours of each others’ rigs to show off our homes…… It was a very nice week! From there, we moved on to Tucumcari, NM for
a one-night stay. We had our first major
mishap, when one of the front landing jacks malfunctioned and the “foot” ripped
off when the jack lowered itself in transit. Thus began a flurry of calls to
the manufactured to find out what to do to get repairs made. We did, however, have a pleasant afternoon
walking the section of Route 66 through Tucumcari (where Karen genuinely got
hooked on the nostalgia), and dining in a little restaurant that is famous (Del’s)
and fabulous. We hitched up the next morning, discovering that the jack was
leaking hydraulic fluid, so we left a puddle behind in the dust that was the
campsite we were on. Next stop was near
Pueblo, Colorado, and we were genuinely concerned about the mechanical problem
that we were having. Tim spent far too
much time on the phone with the DRV factory and the manufacturer of the jacks,
getting no firm answers. In the
meantime, we were about to encounter yet more bizarre weather. We were about 4500 feet in elevation, and
found ourselves in a high wind warning, a blizzard warning, and wildfire
warning. Our first day there was still
24 hours out from the predicted wind and snow, so we ventured north to Colorado
Springs so Tim could revisit a few places he had been to as a child. The first was the US Air Force Academy
Chapel. It really was beautiful, but at
7258 feet in elevation, Karen discovered that she couldn’t tolerate higher altitudes. Walking a mere 50 feet on flat ground took
minutes rather than seconds, with a great deal of gasping for breath. The planned visit to Garden of the Gods was
scrapped in order to return to a lower elevation. The next day is when the fun started,
weather-wise. While we had nothing more
than a few spits of snow, the winds were howling at a sustained 60 mph. We had to bring in our large kitchen slide,
as it was popping up and down from the buffeting it was getting. The blizzard did miss us later on, but it hit
further north in Colorado Springs. Our
planned departure had to be delayed, simply because the bad weather not only
wasn’t safe to drive in, let alone pull a 45 foot 5th wheel in, but
because the state closed all roads. We
were stuck where we were, and we still had no idea which way we were supposed
to travel due to the need for repairs.
We knew we couldn’t continue north into Wyoming and the Dakotas (which
was our plan), because there were no authorized repair shops/dealers in that
direction. In any event, the weather was
predicted to continue snowing further north, so we had to develop a Plan
B. We contacted our RV dealer in
Knoxville, Tennessee, and they were able to fit us in for repairs in
mid-May. As soon as the weather cleared,
we began to venture east again, stopping first in Oakley, Kansas, but not
before witnessing numerous semis turned around in the median and stuck in the snow,
as well as burned out patches from wildfires.
Oakley turned out to be a little gem of a stop, with the discovery of
the Fick Fossil Museum and the Buffalo Bill Cultural Center. Great little places to visit and they were
free! Our campground had a little
restaurant on site, and they had the best shrimp bisque ever! Next stop was another Corps of Engineers
campground, near Clinton, Kansas.
Another beautiful location, and again, the weather turned miserable the
2nd day we were there. We did
manage to buy some groceries, so it wasn’t a total loss. We left there for a few days in Branson,
Missouri. We did take in a 60’s review
show, which was good, but not well attended.
Of course, the time of year we were there was not peak season
either. From there, making our way
further east, we stopped in Sikeston, Missouri.
Our best entertainment was dining at Lambert’s CafĂ©, Home of Throwed
Rolls. I’d try to explain it, but it’s
better if you go to their website to see what their claim to fame is it was a good, hearty meal, and tasty rolls!
After an interminably long month of April, we finally made
it to May, and checked into a
campground in Dandridge, Tennessee (near Pigeon Forge), to hook up with yet
another DRV rally. We hadn’t planned on
going to it originally, since we were supposed to be out west, but since we
needed to head to Knoxville, we caught up with this rally and had a wonderful
time. We had a great meal at Dollywood’s
Dreammore Resort, and also went to the Dolly Parton Celebration! Dinner
Show. A couple great nights out with our
DRV compatriots. We had some great
potlucks as well, and a Cinco de Mayo celebration too. Once the rest of the DRVs checked out, we
still had another week to go before we could get our repairs made. We made a trip into the Smokies to do a late
afternoon/early evening drive through Cades Cove, and were richly rewarded with
sightings of many critters. We also had
a visit from Karen’s long-time cyber (and now IRL) friend, Anne London and her
hubby, Jason, who had spent the weekend in Gatlinburg. We had a nice afternoon out on Douglas Lake
in a rental boat. On May 14th,
we were finally able to get into our RV dealer to have repairs made on the
jack, which had been leaving a trail of hydraulic fluid wherever we
camped. The following day, we began our
trek back to New England, stopping for one night each in Virginia and
Pennsylvania, arriving in Randolph Center, Vermont on May 18th. The rest of the month was lots of visiting
with kids and grandkids, and getting in plenty of hugs and kisses that were
sorely missed.
June was a month
of birthday and anniversary celebrations, with Abe celebrating his 1st
birthday! It was also a bit of a scary
time, as Karen began having severe breathing issues, not unlike those she
experienced in Colorado, except we weren’t at nearly the high elevation we had
been at. After a chest xray, a scary
diagnosis, and an ridiculously long wait to see a pulmonologist (6 weeks!), it was determined to be adult
onset asthma. Four months of a steroid
inhaler, plus a rescue inhaler, and there is improvement, to some degree.
July and August more
of family time, plus visits from friends, Pete and Debbie Morse-Ackley, as well
as Mark and Nancy Beddoe.
September was
beginning to wrap up our stay in Vermont.
The weather definitely began cooling down in a hurry, so we were ready
to head south! Of course, our planned
route, heading down along the NC-SC coastline once we turned east in Virginia,
had to be rerouted due to Hurricane Florence.
Two of the campgrounds we had planned on stopping at were closed due to
damage, and sections of I-95 had closed down, so Tim went back to the drawing
board to come up with a new itinerary.
October 1st
we started to hitch up in the rain. The
rain made the ground, where our outdoor carpet
had been, quite muddy, and Tim took a hard fall, spraining his ankle in
the process. Fortunately, it was his
left ankle, so he was able to drive, but he was most definitely in pain. Our first stop was in Cooperstown, NY. We had planned on visiting the Baseball Hall
of Fame, but that had to be tabled since Tim was barely able to hobble around,
even with the cane we bought at the local CVS.
We did have a visit from another friend, Bob “Box” Morris, who drove out
from Syracuse to visit. We were able to
have a brief outing at a local microbrewery to grab some lunch, but other than
that, it was a quiet visit. We left
there for Harrisburg, PA. Tim’s brother
Paul, and his girlfriend, Lisa, drove out from Bucks County, PA to visit us,
and we had another lovely meal out, catching up with family. Other than that, a trip to the grocery store,
where Tim sat in the truck to avoid any excess walking/hobbling, was the extent
of our visit there. Next stop was a
campground near Antietam. We did get out
to the Antietam Battleground Visitors’ Center, and drove around a bit. We also drove into Harper’s Ferry, but lack
of parking and hills made it too difficult to attempt, given the size of the
truck and the still swollen ankle. After
leaving Antietam, we headed for Charlottesville, Virginia. We went to Monticello (definitely pushed Tim’s
ankle to its limits) while there, and also drove up to Skyline Drive, stopping
at Big Meadows Campground for a little walk down memory lane. We had taken the kids for a camping trip
there back in 1988, so it was a bit nostalgic to visit it. We also encountered the remnants of Hurricane
Michael, which dumped a bit of rain on us, but nothing even remotely as devastating
as what the Panama City Beach, Florida area experienced. We left Virginia,
bound for western North Carolina, outside of Winston-Salem. We did a wine tasting at local winery, and
then had a visit with old family friends, Neil and Maria Shaw. Tim Jr. was the ring bearer in their wedding
in 1987, and we had only briefly seen them once since then, so it was nice to
catch up with them.
(A little detour here, as it should be mentioned that the
repair to the jack made in May, didn’t actually work. When we hitched up in Vermont, the hydraulic
fluid began leaking again, and continued with each stop. We contacted our RV dealer immediately, and
were able to get scheduled to go back for more repairs.)
Back to Pigeon Forge for two nights while we awaited a slot
for repair work at the RV dealer in Knoxville.
We attempted a drive into Gatlinburg, but realized that was a bad idea
as it was Octoberfest, and the traffic was insane! We drove a little bit into the Smokies, but
turned around and headed back to the campground. Since it was our 3rd visit to the
area in 17 months, we opted to rest up.
Finally got in for repairs, and it was an all-day affair with the entire
jack being pulled and replaced. The
dealer was great, the repairs were covered under warranty, since our initial
claim had been filed before the warranty expired, and we were on our way the
following morning to Charleston, South Carolina. Karen had been doing a bit of genealogy
hunting on Tim’s ancestry, and she was able to work with the cemetery to find
the locations of his great and 2x great grandparents on his mother’s side. We had a very meaningful visit to the
cemetery, taking pictures for our records.
From there, we went to visit the Fort Sumter Visitor’s Center and then
took a boat ride out to the fort itself.
After Charleston, we headed for Savannah, Georgia. We had a nice, leisurely (3-day) stay there,
and took a bus tour though the city.
From Savannah, back to St. Augustine, Florida again, but just for a
brief stay. We drove up to Jacksonville
to visit with our former colleague, Ellie Pearce, and then had dinner with Tim’s
roommate from OCS (Officer Candidate School) at Fort Benning. Greg Phillips and his wife, Min, were staying
in Jacksonville for a while for medical treatment, so one of our initial visits
that was scrapped due to the hurricane damage (visiting with them in Myrtle
Beach, South Carolina), we were able to salvage with this trip instead. And, the next morning, October 27th,
we hitched up for the last time and headed to Davenport, Florida for the
Now…………’s where things get a little crazy. Back during our travels – and travails – we had
both come to the conclusion that we needed to rethink what our current situation
was (i.e., the 5th wheel was too big to easily find places to stay
that could accommodate our length and height, so our options were really
limited every time Tim had to change our travel itinerary…..which was
frequently), and where we needed to be going forward. We both really like central Florida, so we
thought maybe staying here every winter was a good thing. We also felt like if we had a semi-permanent
place (winter landing spot), we could downsize our RV to a smaller motorhome,
sell the truck and buy a sedan we could tow behind the motorhome (and which
Karen would be able to drive – she hasn’t driven in over a year because the
truck is too big and intimidating for her), we would be set for the future when
we will eventually stop our wanderlust.
So, we started looking (we actually were scoping things out on the
internet back during the summer) at 55+ communities of manufactured
housing. We also needed to find a home
that was being sold with the furniture left behind since we had absolutely
nothing left from our home in Brookline other than what we were carrying around
in our 5th wheel, none of which was actual furniture. As luck would have it, the first day we
looked, we found what we wanted/needed, made an offer, and closed in two
weeks. On December 1st, we
started moving what meager belongings we have into the house, having first
splurged on a new bed for ourselves.
Throughout the month, we’ve been cleaning (because our previous
occupation has caused us to be hopelessly compulsive about the quality of
cleaning, especially when we have to live there!) and trying to make things our
own. We’re getting there, and we are ready
for Christmas, at long last.
And now, we want to express our wish to you for a Joyous
Christmas season, good health and
happiness in the New Year ahead, and abundant blessings for you and your loved
ones. May we all find peace and
contentment, no matter where we roam.
Karen and Tim
Wow! A lot of catching up to do. A belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. May your blessings be plentiful in 2019. We miss you.
ReplyDeleteThanks! Um.............who is this from? LOL!