Turn The Page

And, so, another chapter in the book of our life has ended.  This morning, the house that we had built in Brookline, NH back in 1998, was sold to a young family who could see the potential to fill it with all the love and laughter that we once had there.  We could tell from all the things they hope to do there that they will appreciate and love the house and property as much as we once did. We could not be happier about turning it over to them.  Yes, I shed a tear when the time came to say goodbye, but I think that only served to show them that we still love the place.  It was just time to move on.

It's funny, but I couldn't help but realize that this really is a new chapter in our life.  That chapter, however, is getting down to the last third of our book, God willing.  And with that, the melancholy did set in.  You'll excuse me for the inclusion of this link, but it just seemed so apropos.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wte1uk4A5eU   I've never been much of a Sinatra fan, but there's definitely an exception with this one.

We are now truly without roots.  No home base, other than our mailing address.  We go where our whims take us.  It seems like it's such a scary prospect, but it's not really.  Yes, there is the unknown of whether the route we take is going to be enjoyable, free from peril (yes, there is the reality that we'll have an occasional mechanical issue or breakdown), or will it be boring, not what we expected, obnoxious "neighbors" on the next campsite................That's what adventure is all about:  experiencing the unknown without worrying about what might be.  And we are looking forward to each new adventure! 

Hang onto your hat, because I promise you it will be a thrilling ride!


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