Take Time to Make Time
Yes, I have been somewhat verbose of late. That's what happens when we aren't planted in the same place for an extended period of time......I actually have something of note to blog about! With the need for an abrupt change in our itinerary over the past week, we found ourselves spending a week in Kutztown, PA, instead of the Campground from Hell that I discussed in my last posting. We were supposed to head to Lancaster, PA today, but decided that our overpriced and underwhelming back-up last week needed to be a short stay, and the campground in Lancaster would have been a similar nightmare as the Campground from Hell, so Tim found a decent replacement campground in Kutztown. We’ve been here since 9/17, and it’s been a good substitute. Reasonably priced and quiet thus far….however, the weekend warriors have been checking in all day, and it’s like a dog kennel. Everybody has a dog, and they all insist on saying hello or guarding their campsite! ...