Who's cutting onions?

We are down to our final week here in Vermont - this time next week, we'll be set up in Lake George, NY for four days.  We will finally be mobile, after being planted here for over two months.  And, that is, after all, why we decided to buy a tiny home on wheels - so we could hit the road and travel.  We have been looking forward to this for a long time, and we will at last be able to scratch that "hitch itch" seasoned RVers talk about.

So, you're probably wondering what's with the blog title, right?  The thing that has been weighing on my heart heavily, ever since we first learned that we were going to be grandparents, has been the knowledge that we would have to bid our precious grandchildren goodbye when we pack up and go for the Fall journey southward.  Today, we had our first experience at that. Lauren and Penny came up for the weekend to visit, and saying goodbye to that sweet, adorable face was the hardest thing I've had to do throughout this process.  We had a wonderful trip to the Montshire Museum in Norwich, VT (a favorite stomping ground when our own kids were little and we lived in the Upper Valley), with Lauren, Penny, Tim Jr., and Lucy.  Seeing the two girls playing, interacting, and just being so happy and silly made my heart soar and sob and the same time.
 Lucy and Penny's duet

Lots of fun, but then the first part of the goodbyes left me in tears (and still am).  I had my precious little Sunshine, Lucy, to keep me company and smiling on the drive back to our campground, and I'm sure she was confused by my tears.  But she was just what I needed to keep from completely falling apart.  Both of those sweet little angels have been the best thing that I could have ever asked for.  I know they'll remember us, and will continue to chatter away when we have our video chats every week.

The worst part will be saying goodbye to little Abe.  He won't quite be three months old when we leave, so he's not going to remember us.  Yea, that's going to hurt.  I know I'll get through this, but the tears will flow from time to time after we leave, and I'll learn to live with it, especially with lots of pictures and videos that will be demanded of his parents!

So, please forgive my lapse into melancholy.  It was something we knew would happen, and it hit hard.  If you have grands of your own, or yours are just littles, please give them an extra hug.  Goodbyes do not get any easier as time goes by.



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