On The Road Again

Our life on the road finally began in earnest on September 10th, when we packed up the 5er, hitched up to the truck, strapped in the motorcycle, and pulled out of our summer campground home in Randolph Center, VT.  (sorry Willie, not your version!)

 Prior to that, we had a nice afternoon on the 9th with Tim Jr., Katy, Lucy, and Abe, followed up by dinner out, and then a farewell Creemee.  And then came the ugly crying (that I knew would happen).  Sigh……….I want so very much to just preserve this past summer in time and relive every moment with the kids.  Since that’s not possible, there are dozens of pictures and videos to revisit to bring all that back.  And, we’ll have our video chats to keep in touch weekly.  Those will definitely help fill that void.

We also found the perfect travelling mascot to take with us, to take pictures of our various visits to tourist-y spots, and then send to the littles.  It’s a small (about a foot long) red and gold dragon, tying into the marionette show we all saw on Labor Day weekend.  It had a big green dragon as the protagonist, and its name was Wasabi.  Our little red dragon, who is quite friendly, is named Chipotle, and he’s already had his first voyage.  We are currently in Lake George, NY, and took a luncheon cruise aboard the steamship Lac du Saint Sacrement.  Chipotle accompanied us, and made quite an impression on our server at lunch!  Nothing like having a conversation piece along for the cruise!

We’re packing up tomorrow to leave for a week in the Poconos, and Cathi is going to hop a bus from Penn Station to visit us over the weekend.  It’s only a 90 minute ride, so it kind of works out pretty well all around.  Louie is unable to join her due to work commitments, but we’ll get to host the two of them again some time in December, when they fly down to Orlando to visit us!  Saying goodbye to Cathi on Sunday won’t be nearly as difficult as the last two goodbyes were.

We’ve been working out our garage/multi-purpose room arrangement slowly but surely, and we have a couple more tweaks to go.  Obviously, the final tweak will be when we get the 3-season door installed at the DRV factory, but it’s nice to be able to work out an arrangement of our stuff in order to keep the room orderly, yet functional.  We ditched almost all of the plastic drawers and tubs my sewing was stored in (just 1 small tub left ) in favor of an inexpensive cube shelving system and fabric bins (thanks Christmas Tree Shops!).  Tim was able to utilize the plastic drawers in the basement to store various small items he needs for maintenance on the rig, as well as the other plastic tub, so nothing went to waste!  I even bought some cheery fabric and made curtains for the windows in the garage, so it definitely brightened up the space.  Tension rods and Command Hooks are an RVer’s best friend!

Once we’re parked for the winter, I plan on get back to sewing on a regular basis.  I’m going to make the herbal neck pillows again, and hopefully can find a venue in which to sell them. (I do need to be able to earn the money in order to buy more fabric, after all!  Haha!)  I also have a few small quilting projects I’d like to undertake, again, in order to try to sell. If I can figure out a way of doing that (or, if someone has a suggestion for me), I’ll most definitely be advertising it here in the future!  (shameless plug, I know!)

For now, I shall look forward to seeing new sights, sharing our experiences, and hopefully hearing from friends and family to cheer us on.
Happy trails!


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