
‘Tis the season when we find ourselves, whether religious or not, anticipating the upcoming holidays.  The season finds us all awaiting Christmas cards arriving in the mail, gifts ordered online being delivered, family members coming for a visit, holiday gatherings, last-minute sales, cookies baking in the oven……the list is seemingly endless.

One thing that we have been so used to waiting for has been Advent and Christmas services at church.  We missed Christmas Eve service last year since the kids and grandkids were gathered with us, and the little ones just could not have handled a crowded children’s service.  Besides, with everyone traveling to be with us, it was unfair to expect them drive another half hour to accompany us to church.  We had a choice to make:  spend our last Christmas Eve at our beloved church, or our last Christmas Eve with our family.   Our family had to come first, and I don’t regret that decision.  Now, however, with the anticipation of the Advent season seeming to be lost without a church home, I will look back with very fond memories of our parish  of close to 16 years.  As for family, it will be tough missing the little ones on Christmas morning, seeing the anticipation of what Santa brought them.   Both Penny and Lucy understand the concept of Christmas and they are both filled with joy and excitement. If it weren’t for video chatting, I’m not sure how we would be able to get through this first holiday away from them.

We are also eagerly anticipating our first guests here – Cathi and Louie are flying down for a few days.  He’s had park passes that he’s never been able to use (what good are free passes when you still have to cough up the bucks to fly to Orlando, rent a car, and find a hotel?!), so this was the perfect opportunity for them to use the passes AND visit with us.  We haven’t seen them since mid-July, so it will be an extra special Christmas gift for us, no gift wrapping required!

Experiencing the holiday season in Florida has been a different feeling.  Our campground is full of festive individuals, with many RVs and park models bedecked with lights (ours included).  The light posts have decorations as well, courtesy of the campground owner.  It definitely helps with the holiday spirit!  There are also some events taking place at our clubhouse, so we have that to look forward to, Tim’s work schedule notwithstanding.  And, of course, the House of Mouse is decorated to the hilt, so that’s a fun thing to see, and definitely helps feel  Christmas-y.

Speaking of Disney, one of the benefits of being a Florida resident is that we are eligible for resident passes.  There are restrictions, naturally – no weekends, no holidays – but it is a real bargain, and one which we decided to take advantage of as Christmas gifts for each other.  We’ve already taken quick trips over to EPCOT and Animal Kingdom for a couple hours, and back in time for Tim to go to work at Universal.  It’s a 20 minute ride to the parks, so we really can just hang out for a bit – so nice to be so close!

It’s been a couple weeks now since Mom passed, and I’m coming to grips with it. From time to time, I have my moments that I get a little wistful, but I can’t help but be happy for her that she has been reunited with my father, her brother, her parents, and her cousins in the Great Beyond.  It’s also wonderful that she is free from the pain that consumed her for many years.  My Christmas wish for her is that she has the happiness that had eluded her for many, many years.  It will be my first Christmas with no living parent, and I suspect I’ll be a little mournful; but when the one who passed has finally gotten the thing they long wished for, it’s hard to be sad for too long.

And, so, I leave you with this classic song that Carly Simon sang so well.  May your season of anticipation be filled with contentment, good health, and a sense of peace.



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