Reflections of My Life

We are down to one month (a short one, at that) left here in Florida, and I find myself reflecting on all the things we’ve done, plan on doing, and haven’t quite been able to do.

One of the things we had hoped to do on a monthly basis was take a trip to the beach for a few hours, just to breathe in the salt air, and maybe dig my tootsies in the sand.  We’ve only done it twice….sort of.  The first time, in mid January,  was a side trip to Indian Rocks Beach (near Clearwater), when we had headed west to visit the Tampa RV show.  After a nice morning of visiting various vendors (no, not RV!), and being able to find a very small wallet that I can put in my pants pocket for the days we visit the parks, we did pop over to the DRV area and chatted with a fellow JX450 owner.  From there, we drove a bit more to find a beach.  However, the weather did not cooperate, and it began to deteriorate rapidly.  We went from sunny to totally socked in, temps plummeted about 15 degrees, wind was whipping up like crazy, and my hope of getting my toes in the sand were dashed.  We did find a nice little restaurant, where I was able to get my hands on delicious seafood chowder to warm up.

The other visit was a couple weeks ago, to North Beach in Clearwater.  It was a gorgeous, warm, sunny day.  We ate lunch at a beachside restaurant, where I was once again able to order  chowder – shrimp and crab this time – that we decided was, hands down, the BEST we’ve ever had.  After lunch, we parked ourselves on the beach in our chairs (no bathing suits, just there for the sun and sand, not the surf) for about 90 minutes.  Toes were squished around in the sand, and sinuses were quite happy to be purged, if only for a while, of the ridiculously heaving pollen that is floating all around in this 80+degree weather.

We have one more trip planned for Clearwater, but no beach time.  For anyone not familiar with the Grapefruit League, the Phillies play preseason in Clearwater, and Tim has been hoping to get to a game.  We’re going to make it a two-fer, meeting up with my cousin Pat and her hubby John (my Boggs cousin that we discovered 5 years ago).  They’ll be staying south of Clearwater for a bit, and it’s the perfect opportunity to get together.  Plus, being Phillies fans themselves, it’s a win-win-win for everyone!

Something we have been doing on a very frequent basis is taking advantage of our Resident Annual Passes at Disney.  We’ve seen and done so much, but there is so much more to do, not necessarily in the parks themselves.  We plan on getting over there as much as we can in the time we have left, especially once Tim’s work obligation at Universal is done the first week of March.  They’ve got him scheduled fairly heavily (slightly busy time right now, what with the winter vacationers from the Snow Belt here), so we can’t do as much as we’d like in the next 10 days.

I’ve started sewing a little more often once again, now that Tim is working more and we aren’t in each other’s way in the garage/man cave/sewing corner.  I’m hoping to have a little inventory of things to sell at a yard sale that (I hope) is going to take place at the rally we’re going to in Oklahoma early April.  No pressure to get things done, but I would at least like to have some wares to peddle should the yard sale make the cut of activities approved by the attendees.
Our time here has been somewhat checkered with ill health, starting with Tim’s cold before Christmas, both of our bouts with the flu, a cold I managed to catch toward the end of January, and then the allergies that hit just as the cold was slacking off.  And then there are the dental issues.  I had yet another cracked molar which was going to need a crown, and then a few weeks after the crown was put in, I developed an abscess near the last crown I had down in 2017.  I am now awaiting a lovely session with the dentist again so he can perform root canal.  Sigh……….the fortunate thing is that the dentist (referral to the practice from our friends, Donna and Joe) is awesome, totally understands my dental phobia, and is calm, reassuring, and gives excellent sedatives pre-surgery!  One other thing…….Tim is having some dental issues as well, and will either be having a tooth dug out and refilled, or if that’s not possible, he’s having it pulled.  I guess the plus here is that we’re getting this all out of the way before we hit the road.

I’ve also been seeing a chiropractor locally.  It had been since the end of June since my last adjustment, and the neck issues that still linger from our accident in 1988 were starting to flare up again.  I also managed to have some sort of spasm in my back that was not improving, so I took a chance on a Yelp review and found myself a fabulous doctor.  I just hope the adjustments can tide me over until we return in the fall!  (Have I mentioned that getting old is not for the weak?!)

We have a special dinner planned for our anniversary – eating in France (Epcot, that is!).  We’ve never eaten at the restaurant there, only the patisserie.  We’ve eaten in Canada, England, Germany, Norway, and Mexico (we’ll be eating in Mexico again on the 14th when niece Sarah and her boyfriend will be visiting Disney from North Dakota – it will be good to see some family again!).  Not big on Japanese or Moroccan food, and Tim’s taste for Chinese food is limited to sweet and sour chicken, crab Rangoon, egg rolls, fried rice, and a pu pu platter.  So, France it is, and we’re looking forward to celebrating something, since Christmas was a dud (flu) and he worked on Valentine’s Day.

Tim is still working on firming up our travel itinerary for April and May, but we need to plan out the things we want to do while we’re traveling.  Not sure yet what’s near where we’ll be in most places, but two biggies to cross off the bucket list are The Badlands and Mount Rushmore.  Other than that, I’m waiting on Tim to give me some suggestions.  As with most things, my bucket list isn’t so much an actual list, but more whatever pops into my head.  In other words, another day in my life with ADD!  I really should write things down so he knows what I’m interested in……….yea, I’m gonna do that tomorrow!  (HAHAHA!)

We’re also trying to give some more thought to our fall travel itinerary (probably not going to be too ambitious, and just stay east of the Mississippi, or maybe east of the Appalachians).  We’ll be coming back to Davenport next winter, and then we want to think about where we’ll head from there.  Maybe the winter after next in the Southwest?  We also are pondering the possibility of spending the summer of 2019 or 2020 in Yellowstone.  So much to consider, and we have plenty of time to research that.

I’ll leave you with a little ditty that I heard recently that took me back to the 60s……….a very sobering ballad that I dearly loved but forgot about since it never made the cut on oldies’ stations.  As the days, weeks, months, and years pass by ever-so-quickly, I find myself looking back at life quite a bit. This song just tugged at my heart in a way that it couldn’t when I was but a sweet, innocent teenager.  Enjoy!


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