Movin' On

Well, we’re now down to 4-1/2 days and counting before we hitch up and move on.  Our time here has flown by.  Of course, that has been helped by our frequent trips over to the House of Mouse, as allowed through our Florida Resident Annual Passes.

When we started planning and dreaming about what our life would be like once we spent our first winter as Snowbirds, Disney wasn’t even on the radar as far as how we would spend our free time.  Little did we know that we would become full-fledged enthusiasts!  Of course, by TRUE aficionado standards, we’re rookies!  Our new friends/neighbors here have definitely helped us learn lots more about all there is to see/do when you’re not limited to 4 days and a 3-day Park Hopper pass!  It’s really amazing!  We look forward to coming back next year and continuing the adventure into All Things Disney.
                   Laser projections onto Cinderella's Castle during Happily Ever After fireworks

 Spaceship Earth and the Super Blue Moon 1/31/18
                                             Tigger and me

Tim & Tigger at the Crystal Palace
                                             The look of fear on Test Track at Epcot

We've also done a few non-Disney activities, like going to Clearwater three times.  Once was just to enjoy the beach, only to be foiled by rapidly deteriorating weather (after we went to the Tampa RV Show).  So, another trip back to enjoy the beach, and what a beautiful day that was!  The third time was to see a Phillies Spring Training game, meeting up with my cousin, Pat and her husband John, who escaped the incredibly nasty weather plaguing the Northeast. (Another reason to rejoice our retirement!)  We did go to a Spring Training game at the ESPN complex at Disney, where the Atlanta Braves train.  It just so happens that they were playing..........wait for it........The Phillies!  Yes, Tim has been quite happy getting to see his beloved Phils play again!

As we wind down our time here, we are starting to purge some items, and then stow others not used daily.  It’s been so long since we had to get organized for travel, it feels nice to get better organized again.  One really does start to get a little lazy and somewhat messy when you’re planted for any length of time.  It definitely forces you to be organized again (said the ever-scattered, long-suffering ADD-addled RVer!)

With our itinerary set, we will be adding 9 new states to my list of already visited.  Somewhat ambitious, but, wait, there’s more!  There are also 4 states that I’ve been to before, traveling through Ontario, before we cross back into New York and then Vermont.  That makes 15 states and 1 province!  We should be arriving at our summer home around May 19th, so we’ll be on the road for almost 2 months.  Most stops will be for 2-3 days at a time to allow for a little recuperating (and give the cats a break from the truck), but we’ll have a couple stops that will be for just 1 night, a few for 4 nights, and our rally in Oklahoma will be 6 nights.  And almost all will be in the Central Time Zone………it figures that we just got through the whole “Spring Ahead” nonsense with Daylight Savings, and now we will fall back an hour again for an extended period of time.  That also means we get to Spring Ahead a SECOND TIME!  Oh yay I can’t wait. (insert sarcasm font here)  Oh well, the joys of traveling inevitably have to include a few not-so-joyous things, I suppose.

 States visited (by Karen) as of 3/18/18

In the meantime, I hope that for those of you in the mid-Atlantic and New England regions will eventually see Springtime arrive and the snow disappear.  It's been a rough go of it for you, and we are so grateful not to be there with you!  


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